Welcome to Iowa Artists

Our mission is to promote and educate artists throughout the state of Iowa. From painting groups to art shows and workshops, there is an opportunity for you to expand and enhance your art. Each of us has a unique creative spirit and by networking together our work will continue to grow and flourish as all things do in the Iowa heartland! 

Each of us has a unique creative spirit

From painting groups to art shows and workshops, there is an opportunity for you to expand and enhance your art. By networking together our work will continue to grow and flourish as all things do in the Iowa heartland!

Participate in Regional and State Juried Shows

Gain valuable critique and feedback while also earning insight into how judges think and evaluate work in a competitive setting.

Attend Workshops and Demonstrations

Learn new techniques with hands-on practice, while keeping up to date on trends in regional and sponsored workshops.

Join our Supportive Community

Learn from your peers and share your own experiences with our group to help Iowa Artists continue to thrive.

Expand your Market

Every active member is welcome to share their website in our member directory, improving your visibility online and adding another avenue for people to find your work.

Opportunities Delivered to your Inbox

As a member, you can opt-in to receive our periodic newsletter featuring articles, inspiration from members, and updates about latest trends, not to mention art calls, exhibits, and competitions.

Artist-to-Artist Networking

Broaden your horizons and meet artists like you in our private Facebook group or attend a social event in-person.

Join over 200 Iowa Artists

For $25 annually, enjoy these benefits and more